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Transrectal Prostate Biopsy


Transrectal Prostate Biopsy

45 MIN

It consists of obtaining small samples of the prostate to know precisely if the elevation of the prostate antigen (PSA) is due to benign prostatic growth or there are malignant cells. We introduce an ultrasound probe through the rectum and guided by ultrasound we puncture the prostate through the rectum to take 12 to 18 small fragments from different areas of your prostate. So we perform a detailed sampling of your entire prostate to determine if there are malignant cells.

The indication is given in the following cases:
- Suspicious or doubtful rectal examination or presence of hard nodule
- PSA> 4.0 ng / ml or PSA speed (annual variation)> 0.4 to 0.75ng / ml / year.
- Patient who had a previous normal biopsy, but the PSA continues to rise or a suspicious rectal examination persists.

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