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3D Ultrasound (third dimension) is an ultrasound technique, this is frequently used during pregnancy, providing three-dimensional images of the fetus; It can be used anywhere on the body. This ultrasound allows you to see the width, height and depth of the images, in the same way that a 3D film operates, the difference is that in this type of ultrasound, no movement is shown.
There are different modes of scanning in medical and obstetric ultrasound; the standard way of diagnosis is with a 2D scan.

In contrast, 3D fetal scanning does not transmit ultrasound waves in a straight line, they are sent in different directions, different angles. Thus, the rebounding echoes are processed by software, which results in a reconstructed image of the volume of the unborn's surface or its internal organs; It is something very similar to the way an axial tomography machine constructs a computerized image with multiple X-ray shots.

3D Ultrasound is best done between weeks 24 and 32, and preferably between weeks 26 and 30. There are places where they advise you to go between weeks 26 and 28 to obtain better images.

After 32 weeks, there is a high probability that the fetus has descended to the pelvis and the chances of obtaining 3D images are nil. In the same way, as the baby is bigger, there is a lack of space and it is another impossibility to get a good image.

3d Ultrasound Obstetrics

Doppler ultrasound is a color study that allows evaluating blood flow in any artery or vein. It is of special relevance for the study of the umbilical cord, fetal cerebral and cardiac circulation, as well as uterine circulation. The information obtained through Doppler gives us very useful information related to fetal growth.

It is totally harmless and painless for both mother and baby and offers very important data in a pregnancy.

The most relevant data that it allows to analyze are:

• It allows to evaluate and measure the blood flow of the valves and the chambers of the baby's heart, in this way, it can be determined if his heart is working correctly.
• The arteries of the mother's uterus (uterine arteries) can be tested. This is very important in the case that the mother has hypertension in pregnancy or in the case of a delay in the intrauterine growth of the baby in order to determine the causes and act accordingly.
• It allows to see the blood flow of the umbilical arteries of the fetus, in this way it is possible to know if the blood flow that reaches the baby is correct, and therefore also if the nutrients and oxygen that the fetus receives are correct.
• It allows to see the blood flow of the fetal cerebral arteries, in this way it is possible to know the degree of progression of a fetal growth problem.

Doppler ultrasound is also very useful to monitor pregnancies in which the mother has hypertension, diabetes, problems with the placenta or umbilical cord, delayed growth, fetal distress, or cardiac malformations of the baby.

Fetal Doppler (Fetal Wellness)


The first trimester ultrasound is important to:

Confirm a normal pregnancy
Determine the baby's age
Look for problems, such as ectopic pregnancy or possible threatened abortion
Determine the fetal heart rate
Look for multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.)
Identify problems with the placenta, uterus, pelvis, and ovaries

Pregnancy Ultrasound 1st Trimester


Determine gestational age and to carry out fetal measurements for early detection of growth abnormalities in late pregnancy.
Detect congenital malformations and multiple pregnancies.

The prenatal screening exam includes an evaluation of the following:
- cardiac activity;
- multiple number); fetuses (and chorionicity if pregnancy is multiple)
- fetal age / size;
- basic fetal anatomy;
- placental appearance and its location.

Pregnancy Ultrasound 2nd Trimester


It is important to perform the 3rd Trimester ultrasound to:

Assess fetal growth
Observe the state and degree of maturation of the placenta: it allows to detect any complications of the placenta, such as the aged placenta.
Observe the amount of amniotic fluid: it allows to detect if there is excess (polyhydramnios) or deficit (oligohydramnios) of amniotic fluid.
Estimate the baby's weight and rule out delayed intrauterine growth.
Observe the state of the umbilical cord: if it is feeding the baby correctly and if there are cord circles. It can be complemented with a Doppler ultrasound.
Know the position of the baby inside the uterus: if it is already on its stomach, if it is embedded in the pelvis, if it is not, if it is breech, etc.
Detect any late-onset abnormality or pregnancy pathology.
In the case of twin pregnancy, in addition to assessing what we mentioned above, the position of the babies within the uterus is observed, with a view to planning the delivery.

Pregnancy Ultrasound 3rd Trimester


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