Calidad en imagen al servicio de usted
638 688 3049

Thoracic Limb Doppler

1 HR
The venous Doppler of the upper extremities allows the evaluation of the superficial and deep venous systems of the upper extremities with details of its anatomy and vascular flow. In combination with the arterial study of the upper limbs, it is an excellent method for the evaluation of patients who undergo venous fistulas or for the follow-up of patients who already have them.
Evaluation of the anatomy and function of the veins of the upper limbs.
In case of venous thrombosis of the upper extremities: swelling and pain of the extremity.
Evaluation of vascular masses: venous aneurysms.
Study of arteriovenous fistulas.
Doppler ultrasound images can help the doctor see and evaluate:
Blockages in blood flow (such as clots)
Narrowing of blood vessels
Congenital vascular tumors or malformations
Reduced or absent blood flow.
Increased blood flow, which may indicate the presence of an infection.