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Thyroid Biopsy


Thyroid Biopsy

45 MIN

An ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy of the thyroid uses sound waves to help locate a needle into a nodule or abnormality inside the thyroid to remove a tissue sample for analysis under a microscope.

High sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of malignancy
Requires little equipment
Causes minimal discomfort to the patient and, in most cases, does not require anesthesia or sedation
Can be performed in both inpatients and outpatients
Reduces the time and number of admissions for diagnostic procedures
It allows to better plan the surgery and obtain the informed consent of the patient or their representatives
Eliminates the need, in many cases, for intraoperative biopsy
Reduces the incidence of laparotomies and exploratory thoracotomies
Allows a definitive diagnosis in non-operable patients
Can be repeated as many times as necessary
Very good cost-benefit ratio

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