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Pyloric Hypertrophy Ultrasound


Pyloric Hypertrophy Ultrasound

45 MIN

Congenital Hypertrophic Pylorus Stenosis (EHCP) is one of the most frequent causes of persistent vomiting, which has received renewed attention in recent years.

It is the most important gastric injury, during the first weeks of life. Walgreen estimated that it occurs in 1: 150 males and 1: 775 females, with a 5: 1 boy-girl ratio. This predilection for males has not yet been established. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is a congenital anomaly, characterized by hypertrophy of the circular muscular layer of the stomach in the pyloric region, which requires compulsory surgery for its correction. The usual age in which the picture appears is from the third to the sixth week, with a non-bilious emetic picture, progressively continuous until reaching the state of permanent and uncontrollable vomiting.

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