Calidad en imagen al servicio de usted
638 688 3049
Shoulder Ultrasound
45 MIN
Diagnostic ultrasound is currently the first intention test in the study of painful shoulder, as it can examine the soft tissues of the shoulder region and identify direct or indirect signs of some pathologies.
It has other advantages such as:.
- Low cost
-Non-invasive and harmless
- No contraindications (pregnancy, pacemakers, metal implants, claustrophobia, among others).
- Allows comparison with the contralateral side.
- It is a dynamic study, with real-time observation of the structures during movement.
- Allows to interact with the patient, correlating the visible alteration with their discomfort or place of pain.
- It is easy to transport and accessible (intraoperative support, immediate evaluation in athletes).
- Allows to guide interventions percutaneously, both diagnostic and therapeutic