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Fetal Doppler (Fetal Wellness)
Doppler ultrasound is a color study that allows evaluating blood flow in any artery or vein. It is of special relevance for the study of the umbilical cord, fetal cerebral and cardiac circulation, as well as uterine circulation. The information obtained through Doppler gives us very useful information related to fetal growth.
It is totally harmless and painless for both mother and baby and offers very important data in a pregnancy.
The most relevant data that it allows to analyze are:
• It allows to evaluate and measure the blood flow of the valves and the chambers of the baby's heart, in this way, it can be determined if his heart is working correctly.
• The arteries of the mother's uterus (uterine arteries) can be tested. This is very important in the case that the mother has hypertension in pregnancy or in the case of a delay in the intrauterine growth of the baby in order to determine the causes and act accordingly.
• It allows to see the blood flow of the umbilical arteries of the fetus, in this way it is possible to know if the blood flow that reaches the baby is correct, and therefore also if the nutrients and oxygen that the fetus receives are correct.
• It allows to see the blood flow of the fetal cerebral arteries, in this way it is possible to know the degree of progression of a fetal growth problem.
Doppler ultrasound is also very useful to monitor pregnancies in which the mother has hypertension, diabetes, problems with the placenta or umbilical cord, delayed growth, fetal distress, or cardiac malformations of the baby.
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