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Pregnancy Ultrasound 3rd Trimester

It is important to perform the 3rd Trimester ultrasound to:

Assess fetal growth
Observe the state and degree of maturation of the placenta: it allows to detect any complications of the placenta, such as the aged placenta.
Observe the amount of amniotic fluid: it allows to detect if there is excess (polyhydramnios) or deficit (oligohydramnios) of amniotic fluid.
Estimate the baby's weight and rule out delayed intrauterine growth.
Observe the state of the umbilical cord: if it is feeding the baby correctly and if there are cord circles. It can be complemented with a Doppler ultrasound.
Know the position of the baby inside the uterus: if it is already on its stomach, if it is embedded in the pelvis, if it is not, if it is breech, etc.
Detect any late-onset abnormality or pregnancy pathology.
In the case of twin pregnancy, in addition to assessing what we mentioned above, the position of the babies within the uterus is observed, with a view to planning the delivery.

Pregnancy Ultrasound 3rd Trimester

1 HR

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